Grandmother telling mythological tales to children.

As a child, I grew up listening to all sorts of mythological tales. And to be honest, I started becoming more and more fascinated by those. For me, it was always wondering about how they could fly? And how they together stood for what they thought was the correct thing?

How Lord Rama and King Yudhistara, along with other Pandavas, kept up with their vows and did everything they could to save their wives? On how they were so brave? They fought the demons and other creatures to protect their wives.

As I started growing older, these things just kept pushing at the back of my mind. And I never really thought about it. It was all ok for me. For basically, “Who has the time to think about the same?” And I never questioned anybody about it.

But as I studied further about different things. I started forming an opinion about something. I began to discover how things were. And who were the real heroes? And the very fact that things are not as we think they are.

girl thinking

Is Mythology real?

Though I always knew that they are Mytho-logy. But I for once never read about it. I was always made to believe that these stories were true. And that they were the most significant people who ever lived. And that one should strive and be more like them.

But now I have realized that mythology tales are just fictional stories. They make their appearance in such a manner. Above all, we listen to them with such enthusiasm, that we believe them to be true. But for logical thinking. It is hard to find in these, but if we go through the stories nicely.

The Questions which were never raised .

1. Was Ram right on his part ?

For instance, in the Mythology tale of Ramayana, Lord Rama saved his wife, Sita, from the hands of Ravana. He used all his force to bring her out of the Ashok Vatika. He turned the world upside down. And before they united, Goddess Sita did give the Agni Parikhsha to prove that she was pure. And that NO MAN had touched her.

Ram’s Bridge - An army of monkey warriors helps construct a bridge from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu to Sri Lanka, as depicted in the Ramayana.

But Lord Rama did give up on her the very moment when somebody questioned her character. They often praise him, by saying that “॥मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम का दूसरा नाम राम है॥.” But how can somebody who left his wife to feed for herself be classified in the category of the great man? Aren’t we just putting a wrong example for everybody?

ALSO, READ- Let us call it out

2. They portrayed women as objects. Why would GOD do that?

Kunti is the mother of the five Pandavas. It is portrayed in one of the most prominent mythology tales, the Mahabharata. And she was such a soulful person. Although she went through all the difficulties in her life, she yet provided everything for her children. She never treated her stepsons differently and raised them like her own. And we know her as somebody who never went back on her words.

And because she said to Arjuna, “Equally distribute whatever you have brought between the 5 of you!” Draupadi was meant to have five husbands. But what gave her the right to compare a lady to a thing. And how could she be distributed among people?

We see King Yudhistar as somebody who never shows interest in the extravaganza of life. He always did everything right, and thus he had all the qualities of a great leader. He still chose the side of what was right. And his verdict was considered the end one by many courts! But how can somebody who gambles his wife be considered significant?

And taking into consideration, she was not his wife alone! She was the wife of five men. And he even gambled away his brothers? Who gave them the right to treat women as property of the man? And that she didn’t have an identity of her own?

How can Kunti or Yudhistra be the epitome of honesty, love, and the righteous path? When all they did was treat Draupadi and others like an object.

What people thought of women, while writing these stories ?

Treating women as somebody inferior to men is one of the main things which is portrayed in such mythology tales. They aren’t considered as someone who has any rights. Other than the rights chosen by the men around them. And it never really crossed our mind to check them. Most certainly, because we were taught this while growing up. And we never really tried to question them. Because why would elders lie?

Do you find yourself asking the question, as to why you believe in such tales then? We do have the answer for you! And we would love for you to read more!

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